Who I Am
I’m a Nebula, Hugo, Sturgeon, and Locus Award-nominated author of fantasy and science fiction. My stories have been published in Uncanny Magazine, Lightspeed Magazine, Strange Horizons, and many other venues, and reprinted in various Year’s Best anthologies. My debut middle grade novel, Benny Ramírez and the Nearly Departed, is scheduled for publication from Knopf Books for Young Readers in spring of 2024. My novel-length fiction is represented by Cameron McClure of the Donald Maass Literary Agency.
Monthly Archives: July 2011
The KidLit Dead Pool
I read a lot of Young Adult and Middle Grade fiction. The official reason is because I write Young Adult/Middle Grade fiction, and it’s vital to read in the field you want to publish in. The unofficial reason is because … Continue reading
Posted in bookish life
Readers Without Borders
Today* I heard the news that last ditch efforts to find a buyer to keep the Borders chain open had failed, and that, pending judge approval, the chain could begin liquidating its remaining stores by the end of this week, … Continue reading
Posted in bookish life
Warming Up My Pipes
I’ve decided to take a cruise in the next few months–of course I’m not telling you when!–and I’m already engaging in my favorite pre-cruise form of daydreaming: selecting my karaoke song list. I know: nerdy, right? It gets a bad … Continue reading
Is it paranoid to mistrust companies with your data?
No, this isn’t about Facebook versus Google+. Though, on that topic, it’s worth noting that lots of people have been citing concerns over privacy as their biggest reason for wanting to leave Facebook. Hello? And go over to Google? The … Continue reading
Posted in rants, tinfoil hat talk
Where your responsibility not to be a feminine hygiene product meets the store’s
Another interesting article from the New York Times–this one about how some independent bookstores have begun charging admission to author events. This caught my eye because a couple of weeks ago Colleen Lindsay, who works for Penguin and helps manage … Continue reading
Posted in bookish life
This is too awesome
Seriously, chase everyone else away for ten minutes, shut the door, and watch this. Plot Device from Red Giant on Vimeo. And stay through the credits! (via Kristin Nelson)
Posted in assorted nerdom
(Possibly Premature) Eulogy for the Online Forum
I was linked to this article from the New York Times today and it provided some food for thought, in that don’t-speak-too-soon-for-the-wheel’s-still-in-spin vein. I’m not posting to agree or disagree with Heffernan. Is she right about forums being on the … Continue reading
Posted in tech geek
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Fellowship of the Bearded, Long-Haired Dudes
I think I weigh a couple pounds less than I did this morning. Here’s why: Before After I cut off about fourteen inches of hair this morning and donated it to Wigs 4 Kids. I’ve had long hair–with short interruptions–for … Continue reading
Posted in blargety-blog
What would the FBI make of your search history?
I was about as mercifully unaware of the Casey Anthony trial as someone living in Central Florida can possibly be. I mean, obviously I heard about the mystery, the discovery of the body, the trial, and the verdict, but I … Continue reading
Posted in writing
Trying to figure out Google+
It’s been years since I tried to figure out what zoo animal I most resemble, or which character from Twilight I am. I’ve also never tried to recruit people to help me take down an elven kingpin, or whatever it … Continue reading
Posted in tech geek